星期四, 9月 18, 2008

Next Nokia Tablets to include Omap 3 and 3G

根據這個小道消息提到,下一代 Nokia Tablet 將使用新的 CPU (OMAP 3),也會俱備 3G/4G 通訊能力。

不錯,開始存錢準備升級吧,不曉得會使用 HSDPA,還是直接 LTE 呢?

Next Nokia Tablets to include Omap 3 and 3G. (Speed and connectivity at last!) | UMPCPortal - The Ultra Mobile Computing reference site

8 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I like your blog very much. Your experience helps me a lot. Do you have experence using Bluetooth Stereo headphones for N810? I heard it is not a easy job. Can you teach me how to do that?

Thanks and best regards
You can use Chinese if you like.

Bart 提到...

路人再來順便回覆一下。Bluetooth Stereo headphones (SE DS200) 可以配對使用,但因為軟體沒有支援A2DP,所以音質並不好。要啟用A2DP的支援可以參考http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13468

risumfiriri 提到...

謝謝您的鼓勵,也謝謝 Barts 的熱心回答。
我自己用的是 iTech 藍牙耳機,一般的連線設定非常簡單,沒有甚麼問題。
所以,我想您是指 A2DP 吧,這好像比較複雜,在討論區看過相關文章,我自己還沒試過。
teach.... ?您客氣了,說分享比較合適啦!

Unknown 提到...

Bart, Risumfiriri,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I have a Sony DR-BT22 Bluetooth headset, it works perfectly with my iPOD to listen to the stereo music and my Blackberry to receive and call out. When I try to connect to my N810, it do recognize my bluetooth headset, but the music quality is very bad when it listen to the media player, also when I use Skype to call out, the input and output voice quality is also very bad. How can I improve it? Do I need to install the A2DP drive?

Thanks and best regards


摆不动 提到...


匿名 提到...

你可以读简体麻 ?

我很庆幸可以在网络上面找到这样的连接,虽然也有诸如 internettablettalk 这样的地方,但是这么一步一步进阶的,太难能可贵了,对我来说帮助尤多,.


sonett528 提到...


risumfiriri 提到...


開賣一段時間,最近停賣了,原因和 WiMax 普及速度慢有關係。